Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Intellectual Network Map: 5th/11th Century | خريطة شبكة علمية: ق ٥/١١

Here is a clearer and more accessible version of the map I posted last week. You can now see more clearly who represents the hubs of Ibāḍī scholars in North Africa in and around the 5th hijrī/ 11th century CE.

هذه نفس الخريطة التي وضعتها على الموقع في الأسبوع الماضي لكنّها الآن أوضح ولها الأسماء. كما ترى، توجد شخصّيات رئيسة في القرن الخامس الهجري (الحادي عشر الميلادي)، من ضمنها أبو عبد الله محمّد، مؤسّس الحلقة

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Network Map: Trial Run!

I have begun creating network maps of the first generations of Ibāḍī scholars in North Africa beginning in the 11th century. My research begins there because my first work (Abū Zakarīyā's Kitāb al-Siyar) begins talking about individuals and genealogies among his contemporaries for the first time in the 11th century. What you see below is the map of part of the generation just before Abū Zakarīyā's, that of the founder of the ḥalqa system Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. Bakr al-Wārjalānī. The network graph demonstrates one of the basic concepts of network theory: the 'small-world' network. Basically, this argues that while most vertices (nodes) in a network are connected in some way, the actual edges (connections) between them are concentrated on only a handful of central, important nodes. In this case, the two man hubs are Abū ʿAbdallāh himself and his contemporary Abū Nūḥ Saʿīd b. Zanghīl. Of course, for this to make much sense, one has to be familiar with the historical narrative. However, the utility of this graph is to clarify the importance and centrality of these two figures in the dissemination of the Ibāḍī tradition.

قد بدأت أرسم خرائط شبكات الأجيال الأولى من العلماء الإباضية في شمال إفريقيا، بداية من القرن الحادي عشر الميلادي. تبدأ بحوثي هناك لأنّي بدأت أحلّل كتاب السير لأبي زكرياء الوارجلاني أوّلا وذلك الكتاب يتحدّث عن معاصريه لأوّل مرّة في ذلك القرن. الخريطة التالية خريطة جيل أبي عبدالله محمّد بن بكر، مؤسّس نظام الحلقة عند الإباضية. تُظهر الخريطة مفهوما أساسيا من نظريات الشكبات ألا وهو مفهوم "العالم الصغير" الذي يفترض أنّ الصلات الحقيقية بين النقط المختلفة في أيّ شبكة محدودة جدا. مع أنّ كل النقط مربوطة ببعضها البعض نظريا، فإنّ عدد الصلات المباشرة صغير عمليا. تعتمد الصلات غير المباشرة على نقطة أو نقطتين رئيستين. هنا، نرى أنّ أبو عبدالله وأبو نوح سعيد بن زنغيل يمثّلان المركزيَن في الشبكة.

Ibāḍī Scholarly Networks: Late 10th/early 11th century CE. (See Ibāḍī Networks tab for larger version)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thinking about Sources| إعادة التفكير في المصادر

I have just posted a new section under the 'Ibāḍī Networks' tab. The section presents an example of how my dissertation is working closely with each of the major Ibāḍī biographical dictionaries (11th-16th centuries) and thinking about their oral and written sources. While the previous section addressed the geographic distribution of Ibāḍī scholars, this section will look at the individual networks of individuals whose connections allowed for the movement of traditions and ideas.

وضعت جزءا جديدا في صفحة: "الشبكات الإباضية". يقدّم هذا الجزء مثالا عن كيف تقارب أطروحتي الطبقات الإباضية الرئيسة (كُتبت بين القرن الحادي عشر والقرن السادس عشر الميلادي)  وإعادة التفكير في مصادرها الشفهية والمكتوبة. الجزء السابق قارب توزيع العلماء الإباضية الجيوغرافي. أما هذا الجزء فهو يقارب شبكات الأفراد والصلات بينهم بأنواعها التي سمحت للأفكار والتقاليد بالحركة. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Geo-Distribution of Ibadi Scholars: Charts Posted

I have now posted some new graphs showing the geographic distribution of Ibāḍī scholars in the Maghrib (6th-12th centuries) under the "Ibāḍī Networks" page. These are not meant to be exact reflections of reality; rather, I think they represent some broad trends of geographic concentration of Ibāḍī communities in the region over several centuries.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Geographic Distribution of Ibāḍī scholars

Data from: Bābāʿammī et al, Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Nāṣir, ed. Muʿjam ʾaʿlām al-ibāḍiyya (Dictionnaire des hommes illustres de l’Ibadisme, les hommes du Maghreb). Beirut: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 2000.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mapping Ibāḍī Scholars across the Centuries: Experimental Stage 1

I have been experimenting with an open source network mapping software called Gephi (website here) in order to map Ibāḍī networks in North Africa in time and space. The results of that experiment are now available under the "Ibāḍī Networks" tab.

منذ ثلاثة أسابيع، أجرّب رسم الشبكات العلمية بين الأعلام الإباضية استخداما لبرنامج يدعى "جيفي"
موقع البرنامج 
 نتائج التجريب هذا متوفّرة على صفحة "شبكات إباضية" الآن

Friday, September 20, 2013

Dissertation Abstract Updated

I have now updated the 'Dissertation Abstract' page in order to share the outline of my dissertation project on Ibāḍī intellectual and commercial networks in the medieval Maghrib (available under the 'Dissertation Abstract' tab above). I will be posting an Arabic version of the abstract in the next week or so.

قد أضفت الإطار العام لأطروحتي حول الشبكات التجارية والفكرية بين الجماعات الإباضية في المغرب خلال العصور الوسطى. يمكنكم أن تروه على صفحته الخاصة. سأعلّق نسخة في العربية في الأسبوع المقبل.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Djerba made a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

Just a quick post on the very exciting news that the island of Djerba in southern Tunisia, home to Ibāḍī communities since at least the eighth century, will join the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites: Click here for more.

A recent Al-Jazeera documentary on Ibāḍīs in Djerba is also available on YouTube here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

List of Ibāḍī Manuscripts at BNT in Tunis | قائمة المخطوطات الإباضية في المكتبة الوطنية التونسية

As a follow-up on the previous post on Ibāḍī manuscripts at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Tunis, I am posting a list of those MSS that I have had a chance to examine. I am currently working on an article in which I will provide full descriptions and sketches of watermarks for all eight manuscripts.

تعليقا على ما ذكرته  سابقا عن المخطوطات الإباضية في المكتبة الوطنية التونسية، قد جمّعت القائمة التالية من المخطوطات التي رأيتها في المكتبة. في الوقت الراهن، أكتب مقالا فيه الأوصاف الكاملة للمخطوطات الثمانية كلها بالإضافة إلى علاماتها المائية

(1) BNT A-MSS-03606
"طبقات الدرجيني"
لأبي العبّاس أحمد بن سعيد الدرجيني

(2) BNT A-MSS-024493
"الجواهر المنتقاة في اتمام ما أخلّ به كتاب الطبقات"
لأبي القاسم بن ابراهيم البرّادي

(3) BNT A-MSS-22257
 "طبقات الشماخي"
المعروف بكتاب السير لأبي العبّاس أحمد الشماخي

(4) BNT A-MSS-22308
لموسى بن عامر الشماخي

(5) BNT A-MSS-18145
"البراهين القطعية الفارقة بين ديانة الإسلام وديانة مشايخ الطرق الصوفية"
لبلقاسم بن سليمان الشماخي الإباضي

(6) BNT A-MSS-21391
"كتاب سرد الحجة على أهل الغفلة"
لقاسم بن سعيد بن قاسم بن سليمان بن محمد السماخي

(7) BNT A-MSS-22749
"كتاب الإيضاح في الفقه"
لعامر بن علي الشماخي

(8) BNT A-MSS-22223
"شرح على أرجوزة في التوحيد"
لقاسم بن سليمان الشماخي

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Recent Conferences on Ibadism

Over the past few years there has been an exciting resurgence of interest in Ibāḍī history, theology and law. As a result, a few academic conferences have recently been held that have brought together specialists from Europe, North America, North Africa and the Middle East. Below is a list of recent conferences on Ibadism as well as the links to the conference programs and abstracts (if available):

Ibadi Theology: Rereading Sources and Scholarly Works (University of Naples, May 2012):
Program, Website (with Abstracts)

L'ibadisme dans les sociétés islamiques médiévales: Modèles politique, formes d'organisation et d'interactions sociales (Casa de Velázquez-Madrid, December, 2013)
Website (with program)

Ibadi Jurisprudence (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, May 2013)
Website (with program and abstracts)
Opening Sesssion (on Youtube)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ibadi MSS at the Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie

Since the beginning of June, I have been paying regular visits to the Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie (BNT) in Tunis to take a look at a handful of manuscripts by Ibadi authors. Some of these manuscripts have been cited and used by modern historians writing in Arabic but none have been cited (to my knowledge) by articles or books in European languages. I am preparing an article with more detailed descriptions of those that I had a chance to examine but I will post the list of the manuscripts themselves (along with catalog numbers) in the next couple of weeks.

Although virtually all modern studies on Ibadi history have relied on manuscript evidence, very few authors have taken the time to provide detailed descriptions of those manuscripts. As a result, we know very little about the production of the manuscripts or their transmission. Providing detailed descriptions of manuscripts can help us understand much more about the 'material' history of Ibadism in North Africa. For example, a preliminary look at the manuscripts in the BNT suggests that much of the surviving corpus of Ibadi works dates to the 17th-19th centuries and that most of the paper was made in Italy. While these features of the manuscripts would hardly shock codicologists of Islamic history, they are nevertheless crucial pieces of information for understanding the transmission of knowledge in Ibadi communities in the early modern period.

I hope to finish the article with full descriptions by September. For now, you can check out the BNT's website, which is searchable in both Arabic and French, here. The server is occasionally down -but most of the time the site us up and running.