Thursday, August 1, 2013

Recent Conferences on Ibadism

Over the past few years there has been an exciting resurgence of interest in Ibāḍī history, theology and law. As a result, a few academic conferences have recently been held that have brought together specialists from Europe, North America, North Africa and the Middle East. Below is a list of recent conferences on Ibadism as well as the links to the conference programs and abstracts (if available):

Ibadi Theology: Rereading Sources and Scholarly Works (University of Naples, May 2012):
Program, Website (with Abstracts)

L'ibadisme dans les sociétés islamiques médiévales: Modèles politique, formes d'organisation et d'interactions sociales (Casa de Velázquez-Madrid, December, 2013)
Website (with program)

Ibadi Jurisprudence (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, May 2013)
Website (with program and abstracts)
Opening Sesssion (on Youtube)